What is CLE Fit?
CLE Fit is a component of the You Can You Will Foundation, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to educate and inspire individuals. It is the “Body" component of YCYW's mission to empower the Mind, Body and Soul. We create and support programs that allow the self-empowered individual to emerge. CLE Fit creates a space of possibilities through group fitness activities that is non-judgmental, which in-turn allows the self-empowered individual to emerge.
Through the 52 Weeks of Fitness initiative we are exposing people to different fitness practices, gathering a commUNITY together and supporting personal growth through group activity. We are providing an opportunity for people to get out of their comfort zone while experiencing this city's amazing studios as they make fitness a part of their life.
In addition to the 52 Weeks of Fitness we are having our Grit & Grace September fundraising event in Tremont’s Lincoln park (exact date to be announced). It will have Yoga, Bootcamps, Vendors, Music, Food, and Drinks; a complete wellness event for the family with a festival vibe! This will be a fundraiser to raise both funds and awareness for the You Can You Will Foundation and other community charities that we support such as ZenWorks Yoga and the Merrick House.
What is the evolution of CLE Fit?
Starting in 2012, we created wellness events through Yoga Rocks the Park in Cleveland, which became YogiNation in 2015 (with GrooveRyde). We raised the vibration of the city and guests were invited to take that energy back out into the world that they create!
Further evolution led to CLE Fit through You Can You Will. We are in awe of how this all came together. We like to say it felt effortless even though it was a lot of work things lined up at an amazing pace. The best way we can describe the feeling is when you are inspired and focusing to live your life on purpose you are in the flow rather then swimming against it.
Share your vision for CLE Fit:
Many organizations are looking for ways to offer additional wellness benefits to employees. Our vision is to bring our 52 Weeks of fitness program into companies in Northeast Ohio. Employers are able to share this program with their employees at no charge to the employer. Employees benefit from what we have negotiated with the studios on the 52 Weeks tour stop.
What is your favorite part of running CLE Fit?
Our favorite part is creating the experience and seeing how it affects people in so many positive ways. We are excited by the unknown of how far the energy from a person's experience will travel in this world and how many people it will affect!
Who are the CLE Fit leaders?
Myself (Andy Holland), Angela Fach and Terra Somogyi. We thank you for being a part of this movement and what it does for both individuals and our city. More to come as the You Can You Will Foundation rolls out programs for the Mind and Soul so stayed tuned!